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The celebration of Earth Day began in 1970 when over 20 million people around the globe mobilized to bring more attention to how we, as a people, treat our planet. Today, it is observed in over 190 countries around the world.
While many climate issues can seem out of our control, there are things we can do on a personal level to improve our collective impact on the planet. Earth-healthy habits begin at home and the kitchen is a great place to start.
Over a quarter of the global gas emissions come from food. Nearly 60 percent of those emissions come from animal products, with half coming from red meat and the other half from other animal products. So, does this mean we all have to become vegetarians? No, but rethinking your approach to protein is a great place to start. Moving towards a plant-friendly diet can help fight climate change and improve your health.
A few simple swaps can go a long way. Swapping out four ounces of beef for four ounces of beans, for example, will save nearly 350 gallons of water.
Here are some more simple tips from The Culinary Institute of America and the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health to help get you started.
Not only are these tips good for you, but they’re also good for the planet! You’re onto eating your way to a healthier world. Want some more quick tips on how to improve sustainability in and out of the kitchen? Check out this list of 25 Easy Ways to Sustainable Living below!
In the Kitchen
Around the House
Just for You
Got a favorite hack? Share your sustainable tips with us on social @nutribullet, we’d love to see what you’re doing!