How to Know When Your Baby is Ready for Solids

McKenzie Jones | March 7, 2023

The first several months of your little one’s life are filled with so many fun firsts – smiling, giggling, rolling over, sitting up, and so much more. And now, you may be thinking about another monumental first: your baby’s first meal! 

Like most things with parenting in the modern world, the introduction of solid foods is exciting, but can also feel overwhelming with the onslaught of information available to us. To simplify things, the number one factor to look for before your little one starts chowing down is their readiness to eat.  

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the introduction of solid foods around six months of age. Ultimately, it’s up to you and your child’s pediatrician to determine when your little one is developmentally ready to take his or her first “bite.” 

So, how do you know when your little one is ready for their first meal? Check for the following developmental signs of feeding readiness: 

  • Your child can sit with little or no support. 
  • Your child has good head control. 
  • Your child seems interested in food. 
  • Your child has an absence of tongue thrust, also known as reverse or immature swallowing. In other words, your baby swallows her food rather than pushing it out of her mouth. 

Keep in mind that no two babies are the same and that all babies progress physically and developmentally at their own pace. Some may be ready to start eating solids prior to the 6-month mark, and others may need a bit more time. They have their whole lives to eat, so there is no harm in being patient and taking it slow.  

When your baby is ready to start their eating journey, these two one-ingredient purees below are great introductory recipes. 

Green Pea Puree 

These tiny green gems can be bought fresh or frozen, then steamed and pureed for a nutritious first meal. 

Squash Puree 

Creamy and mellow, butternut squash is a baby favorite! 

McKenzie Jones

McKenzie Jones

McKenzie is Registered Dietitian Nutritionist for nutribullet who aims to make the world a healthier, happier place. She believes that living a healthy lifestyle and eating for your health isn't meant to be complicated -- it's meant to be simple, enjoyable, and judgment-free (with room for dessert). When she’s not dishing out nutrition tidbits, you can find McKenzie visiting her local farmers market, hiking her favorite trails with her husband, and chasing after her daughters.

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